
Some practitioners consider it safe to take in small doses until the seventh month of pregnancy to pain relief. Many practitioners prefer that women take acetaminophen at any time of the pregnancy.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Ibuprofen and other similar drugs are not safe to take during pregnancy. Some studies show that this drugs may increase the miscarriage rate, while others show the inverse. We know for sure that they can promote bleeding and they can cause a heart defect in the baby known as ductus arteriosus, especially if you take them in the first trimester of pregnancy. This defect consists in a premature closure of the blood vessel that can be the cause of a pulmonary hypertension.

There are some antibiotics that are safe to take during pregnancy like amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin or zythromax. You must avoid others like sulfa drugs, quinolones or tetracyline. The important is, no matter what kind of drug is, you always consult your practitioner because should be him to prescribe them.

Also known as "Tylenol" is considered a safe drug to take during pregnancy and prescribed for most of the practitioners to the expectant mothers.

Milk of magnesia, calcium carbonate or aluminum hydroxide magnesium are considered safe drugs throughout pregnancy.

Opioid pain relievers
Can also be considered safe when followed by a prescription, in the relief of moderated to severe pain. This opioids like codeine, hydrocodone or propoxuphene can be used when acetaminophen does not work relieving the pain.

Antihistamines and cold remedies
The use of this medicaments during pregnancy are not consensual. The best is to avoid them at least during the first twelve weeks. After that period of time, it is considered safe to take chloripheniramine and pseudoephedrine.

Cough medication
Known as gnaifenesin and dextromethorphan are also considered safe drugs but is not advisable to take them during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Local anesthetics
Also safe when properly used, the lydocaine-type drugs are used on procedures that call for a local anesthesia like a dental intervention.

Surgical anesthetics
Used when the pregnant women needs a emergency intervention or other medical procedures, is also considered safe to use during the pregnancy.

Some drugs can be safely taken during pregnancy, although is best to avoid all of them during this period. Never, ever self-medicate and always discuss with your health care provider the best medications to your case in case of needing them. It is important that you inform your practitioner if you have any medical condition that is being treated with medication because you may need to switch to a safer one during the pregnancy.


Almost all medications have information in the summary that indicates if the drug is safe to use during pregnancy or if the risk is unknown. But it is crucial, that you seek the advice of a specialist because it is difficult to predict the impact of certain drugs on the unborn, but although we know that they may be the cause of malformation and they can also affect the neurodevelopment of the baby. Here is a list of the most common medications taken during pregnancy.


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