
You may wonder about how your baby is growing and changing. Pull out this booklet often to read about how your baby is developing.

First Trimester—Months 1 to 3
Month 1
● The egg and sperm meet.
● This very tiny fertilized egg divides many times, forming a ball of cells.
● These cells then form layers of cells that become your baby’s body.
● At the end of the first month, your baby is about the size of a pea.


Month 2
● At five weeks, your baby’s brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) and all the other body systems begin to develop. The heart  begins to beat.
● Your baby’s face, ears, eyes, and mouth are forming.
● By the end of the second month, your baby is about an inch long and weighs less than an ounce.
Month 3
● Your baby’s bones begin to harden.
● Your baby moves quite a bit, but you won’t be able to feel it yet.
By the end of the third month:
● The ears and sex organs have formed.
● Your baby can swallow.
● Your baby can move his or her eyes.
● Your baby is about the size of a walnut.

Second Trimester—Months 4 to 6
Month 4
By the end of the fourth month:
● Your baby is completely formed.
● Your baby can hear your voice and other sounds that are around you. Try singing to your baby!
● Your baby is about six inches long. He or she is about the size of the palm of your hand. Imagine that!

Month 5
● Your baby’s muscles have become stronger. He or she starts to move around and kick a lot.
● Your baby’s eyebrows, eyelashes, and teeth are beginning to form.
● By the end of the fi fth month, your baby weighs about one pound and is about ten inches long.
Month 6
● Your baby’s brain is growing fast.
● Real hair and toenails are forming.
By the end of the sixth month:
● Your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs just under 2 pounds.
● Your baby is almost completely formed. But his or her lungs are not fully working. If born at this stage, your baby would require very special
medical care to survive outside your womb.


Third Trimester—Months 7 to 9
Month 7
● Your baby’s eyes begin to open and shut.
● Body fat and weight increase.
● Your baby may be moving much more now.
By the end of the seventh month:
● Your baby is about 11 inches long and weighs about 3½ pounds.
● All of the bones have developed, but they are still soft.
● All of your baby’s senses are fully formed.
Month 8
● Your baby is growing and preparing for life outside your womb.
● Your baby sleeps most of the time, but is very active when awake.
● By the end of the eighth month, your baby is about 13 inches long and weighs about 5 to 6 pounds.

Month 9
● Your baby is getting more active. You may feel little feet or hands pushing against your belly.
● Your baby continues to prepare for birth.
● By the end of the ninth month, your baby is about 19 to 21 inches long and weighs about 7 to 8 pounds


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