
Congratulations! You are entering the third month of your pregnancy and all that nasty symptoms that you've experienced in the first trimester are about to disappear. Say good bye to nausea and prepare yourself to start a new stage of this epic period of your life.

Your baby // Developments
By the end of this month your baby will measure 3 to 4 inches long and will weight 1/2 to 1 ounce (about the size of a palm of a hand). His internal organs are almost fully developed and the face has more recognizable features. Fingers and toes are formed as well as soft fingernails. His circulatory system is also fully functional and it stars to produce amniotic fluid that will keep your baby safe inside the uterus. Yet not distinct, the baby's reproductive organs are formed. And soon, with your practitioner Dopler, you will be able to listen to his heartbeat.

Your body // Changes
Now you may begin to feel different because your progesterone levels are decreasing and your estrogen levels are rising. Gradually, you will start to feel better and less nauseated and even you may experience an increase of your appetite. You may continue sleepy but you'll feel with more energy.
The increase of the estrogen will bring you a new sense of calmness and happiness. By this time you will start also to observe more significant physical changes. Your uterus will start to expand and you will notice the appearance of a bulge above your pubic bone.
Mood changes are usual in this stage of pregnancy. Your mood can change without previous warning and it can go from joy and happiness thought irritation and sadness. Sometimes you also feel scattered and even forgetful. This mood changes can be scary but are normal at this stage due to the hormonal changes you are experiencing.

Prenatal checkup
It is important that you don't miss your prenatal checkups. During this month appointment your practitioner will check the growth of your baby by checking the growth of your uterus. He will observe you placing a hand on the lower abdomen and with the other he will feel the top of the uterus, also known as fundus. By now, your fundus will be placed between your navel and the pubic bone. The practitioner will check your baby's growth, each appointment by observing the position of this called fundus.
You will also be weighted and will have a blood-pressure checked too. Normally during pregnancy the blood pressure is equal or a bit lower than before you are pregnant. If your practitioner notice any increase you will have to be more closely watched throughout the pregnancy time.
To check your glucose and protein levels a sample of your urine will be checked.
You will be able to listen to your baby's heartbeat, maybe for the first time. And remember, if you have any concern or doubt talk with your practitioner about it.


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