
Now, that you're more than a halfway trough your pregnancy the child-birth is becoming a more close reality. This month is time to put some plans in motion regarding that you are now each day closer and closer to see your new born child.

The Baby // Developments
Scientists believe, that during this stage, the baby becomes aware of his environment. He may become more responsive to sounds like your voice. It is natural that he become more active when he hears loud music and more quieter when wears your voice or some soft music. He will start to see too. This month his eyelids will part and he will start to open his eyes for short periods of time.
At this time, your baby has approximately 1 foot long and weights 1 1/2 to 1 1/4 pounds. He has developed foot and handprints and his skin is translucent. From now on, your baby will grow very fast. He still has plenty of space and the amniotic fluid will allow him to grow and move freely in a protected environment. The baby will continue to produce amniotic fluid up until the moment he is born and it will protect your baby by serving as a cushion in case of your belly gets bumped.
Regarding the need of neonatal intensive care unit, your baby would have a good chance of surviving if it happened during this month. But, without any doubt, will be better if he born in the normal expected time. Science has not wet the knowledge to replace placenta. The umbilical cord, composed by one vein and two arteries, allows the oxygen and nutrients from your blood to pass through the placenta on to the baby though the umbilical vein. The umbilical arteries are responsible for the carrying of the carbon dioxide and other waste products once the baby uses the nutrients.
Everything that enters your body also enters the baby so the placent, although, filters out substances an viruses that could harm your child.

Your Body // Changes
By this time you will start to notice some uterine contractions, that in a early stage you may mistake by the baby's movement. This nonlabor contractions are called Braxton-Hicks, after the doctor who studied them. They ate meant to prepare the uterine muscle for the labor by toning it and promoting the blood flow. Though painless and irregular this contractions can be uncomfortable, but when compared to the labor contractions, Braxton-Hicks are mild, although they may feel quite strong when you put your hand on your belly.  There several things that can trigger this contractions. Simple things like you baby's movement, an orgasm a change of position, a bowel movement the simple act of someone's touching your belly. Usually they stop when you change your position or activity. Braxton-Hicks contractions can begin in the second trimester but they are more common in the third. Some women will experience regular contractions other never will notice them at all, but once they began they will continue throughout the rest of the pregnancy. They have no effect on the beginning of labor but they can occur close to delivery and they can help efface and soften the cervix. More strong Braxton-Hicks contractions are also referred as a "false labor".


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