
By now your baby is born and provided that both are doing well, your practitioner will bring the baby up to your chest. It is a magical moment and finally you will see all your hard work being rewarded. While you enjoy this wonderful moment your practitioner will await the release of the placenta from the wall of the uterus. First the umbilical cord will come loose and then there will be a small increase in the vaginal bleeding. The next 5 to 20 minutes after the baby's born, you will be asked to push gently and the placenta will pass.
It is no very common but if the placenta does not pass properly, your practitioner will manually remove it. He will press your abdomen to be sure that your uterus has contracted to the size and firmness that is desirable. If needed, he will massage your uterus until it becomes firm again. It is desirable that the uterus stays firm to prevent excessive bleeding from the site where the placenta was attached to the wall of the uterus


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